Re: Cold weather henna, the other word for Cleveland henna

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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on May 16, 2000 at 14:10:16:

In Reply to: Cold weather henna posted by Amy :-) on May 16, 2000 at 12:04:59:

Yep ... cold weather is NOT henna's friend! In that situation ....
wrap their henna, and give them an instruction sheet about steaming,
or at least have them warm the hennaed area with a heating pad.
If they can get the part of their body, henna paste still on, heated
to something like 105F - 110F for an hour or more ( using one of those
rice-nuke hot pads) (or by holding your hand in the plume of steam
coming from a tea kettle for 20 minutes or more)
Deliberatly heating the henna while its on the skin does amazing
things! The molecules of the skin expand and bind more readily with
the hennotannic acid. If the henna is wrapped, sweat builds up under
the wrap, and also helps the henna darken.

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