Of course it's real, indigo and high ph treatments...
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on May 17, 2000 at 20:15:30:
In Reply to: It is Real...Black Henna! posted by Razi on May 17, 2000 at 19:45:40:
Yes, there are several things that are traditional black henna. Some of them contain indigo, and are pretty harmless, (and are faily useless as a skin dye)...... and there is a way of making henna go black with urine or ammonia, and that's fairly harmless, too. I've posted instructions for that a few times. I offer free instructions for that technique to anyone who asks. My concern is that what is being called "BLACK HENNA" in MANY resorts in the US and overseas is an entirely different product and it is leaving long term scarring and damaged internal organs in its wake. It is virtually unheard of for anyone to apply the traditional black hennaes here ... but the PPD black henna vendors are lined up like fleas on a dog in many prosperous beach areas! Warning people about "black henna" is a little about warning people about STD's. It's crucial to get the message out to "play safe". the Intricacies can come later. Livers are in short supply.
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