I am responding to clearify and not disrespect, to information
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Posted by sondarya on May 17, 2000 at 23:51:06:
In Reply to: It is Real...Black Henna! posted by Razi on May 17, 2000 at 19:45:40:

: Hello all, : I wanted to respond out of clearity and not disrespect, to information found on the "black Henna" disclaimerpage. : There is a such thing as black henna, and I don't mean what popular salons might use to change the color of your beautiful tatu's (tattoo's)to any color of the rainbow. : This colour is mostly seen in North and East Africa, in countries such as Morroco and the Sudan. If you go into most Middle Eastern markets in your area, when asking for a box or bag of henna, they might ask you "Red or Black?". What you will see in powder form will be green, however once mixed and applied to your skin...you guessed it, the end result...black henna. : So it does exsist. Just because it's not mentioned much, doesn't mean it's not true. Just like how most henna web sites only use India to speak of for the orgin of henna being used in design (and/or for cooling purposes) in India. Neglecting to mention the countries in Africa that use it as well. The designs used may differ but it's henna! : So, if anyone has any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to write me: MsProverbs31@aol.com or just post here. : I'll try to find some web sites to support the true (not recent commercialized) Black Henna. Or feel free to ask your local Moroccan or Sudanese friend. :o) Hi Razi, I read your message and just wanted to let you know my personal veiw in response to your message in brief. As I know many of the sites explain, where the Mehndi comes from. I guess each page you find in the web are written by individuals who write from there own experiences and what they think of Henna. I have seen personally couple of sites who write beyond their origin and with scientific facts. If some one has written about India that mean the writer has knowledge about India rather then others countries. It was not actually very popular till not long ago. Hollywood artists brought Henna to more exposure ( if I am not wrong) that is the reason more people know it's origin is India as the art work was done by Indian Mehndi artist. I personally haven't seen many sites who didn't mentioned about other parts of the countries. It is true though in India Our grand parents used it for coolness (soothingness) in summer.I have met people in USA also who use it for the same purpose. I think many will agree with me on this. As far as it goes to Black color: I can't argue. I know some facts about the color of pure Henna in India. I am not a science nurd or a Mehndi researcher. some one with detailed knowledge about Henna or fact finder could explain more about that. I know for sure some people get very dark stain on their skin and on the other hand others don't with the same Henna. I am from India and I have seen it.
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