Re: Hot or Cold? Does it make much of a difference?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on April 16, 1998 at 17:45:45:
In Reply to: Hot or Cold? Does it make much of a difference? posted by Jan McIntyre on April 16, 1998 at 16:48:36:
Heat will move a chemical reacion along a little faster, and very hot coffee or tea gives a slightly stronger, quicker dye release from the henna than tepid. Also, as the tannic acid in the tea or coffee is adding to the hennotannic acid in the henna, the more fiercely dark teas and coffees add to the darkness of the henna color. That's why we reccommend very strong, very hot tea or coffee... our fav mix is in pictures and instructions at www.mehandi.com (click on "how we do it") It's a simple and reliable mix.