mixing henna - my ideas....
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Posted by MyST on June 27, 2000 at 09:01:19:
In Reply to: henna mix-up posted by Is on June 27, 2000 at 08:49:21:
Not sure what they are selling at the Body Shop, but I would suggest doing this with whatever dry henna powder you have: 1) Sift the dry henna powder through a woman's nylon. It creates a fine baby powder texture, and yes it will create this nasty DUST all over everything. If you can do it outside, you'll save your lungs, and the clean up time. 2) after sifting the powder, juice probably 2 lemons, and strain the juice. please make sure you strain it through a nylon. if you get any lemon pulp in your paste, and you're using small tips, yer screwed. 3) i normally mix the lemon juice into the henna powder slowly, trying to achieve sort of a clay-like texture. add a little bit more lemon juice until you reach a very thick toothpaste consistency. 4) i always put my henna over the pilot light on my stove, cover it with plastic wrap so that it can "sweat" overnight (or at least a few hours).... 5) when the paste has "matured"....just take your eucalyptus oil, and put a few drops in. Mostly this is for consistency of the henna, and it's totally optional. It also smells incredible, and makes the receiving of mehndi into an aromatherapeutic adventure! if the paste is still too thick to manipulate, add a little of your reserved STRAINED lemon juice, until the consistency is like thin toothpaste. 6) it's ready to use. reserve the remaining strained lemon juice, and mix it about 3/4 sugar to 1/4 lemon juice. then when you henna has started to dry and crust, DAB the lemon sugar mixture onto the drying henna. in my experience, it's good to do this at least 2 or three times :)~ Another suggestion, if you don't want to bother mixing your own henna is to try Mehndi MUD. It comes in it's own applicator bottle (with tips)...and is all natural. it will last in the fridge at least 3 months....and produces a gorgeous stain for me EVERYTIME. it's the only thing i ever use anymore. we have a link to Mehndi MUD on our website at http://www.mehndi2dyefor.com MyST
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