Celtic tips
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Posted by Anne Beltestad on June 27, 2000 at 11:59:05:
In Reply to: Re: Celtic Cross posted by MyST on June 27, 2000 at 08:42:39:
Even though I've been doing celtic knotwork (as opposed to spirals) in other media (watercolor, pen, charcoal) for about ten years, I STILL find it challenging to do it in henna. My tips? Relax, work slowly, charge 'em extra (and tell them first that it's more challenging) and, unless it's really simple, look carefully at the design as you work. Remember, over, under, over, under...also I tend to thicken the "points" of knotwork, especially in henna. Looks cooler. Also keep in mind that the monks of old didn't have perfect designs...they deliberately put in "errors" so as not to aspire to the perfection of god. Look at other knotwork too (and make it "celtic" with spirals, dots, etc): Chinese, ethiopian, and many other traditions have some excellent knots. But, most importantly, if you don't want to do it - DON'T DO IT! : Do any of you do a lot of Celtic designs at festivals? We have a : bunch of requests for them, but for Frank and I they take so LONG. : It's very easy to get lost inside a celtic design. What kind of tips : and tricks (if any) do you guys who do hennaed celtic designs have : for us novices?
: MySTiE
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