Manic Panic and Punky Color
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on June 27, 2000 at 15:27:21:
In Reply to: Re: How easy is it to get PPD to make "black henna" ? posted by Anne on June 27, 2000 at 13:56:49:
I was looking at those dyes in the shop, too ... I have been told they are not harmful to skin, but they will totally trash your clothing and bathroom fixtures. There was no ppd or any such thing in their lists of ingredients ... but they didn't have a black, either. I can't be certain that they are the same dyes as are being used in the "safe" "colored henna" products, they look like it to me. I have a pretty good eye for dyes, and they look and behave like the "colored henna" stuff. I believe they are pretty safe, and they certainly only last for 2-4 days on the skin, so they aren't penetrating down very far. Since the manufacturers of "colored henna" aren't divulging their dyes, there is no way to know what's in them. You'd have to look up every thing on the ingredient list on Manic Panic or Punky Color to know if there are problems. I have been assured by some Canadian cosmetologists that those are vegetable based dyes and they are safe to use on skin and hair. I have seen people with colorful skin after using Manic Panic ... and it looked just like "colored henna" stains.
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