Clove oil can etch metal, and will kill the nerve of a sick tooth
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 26, 2000 at 12:32:08:
In Reply to: Allergy? posted by Linda in NJ on July 26, 2000 at 11:55:41:
Clove oil must be treated with great respect. Most of the "magic elixers", pastes, and oils for henna have clove oil (which is great for henna) give me elegant rows of little blisters precisely where the henna was. I have extremely thin skin everywhere but my palms and soles, because I am 10 years post menopause. So ... clove, euc, and everything else goes straight through my skin which resembles wet toilet paper in consistency. For some reason, the clove oil in NewSkin does not bother me, I think because it is bound into the quick-drying fixative that just rests on my skin. On hot days, your skin is more permeable than on cold days. This may have made a difference in your uptake and reaction. Or, you may be developing a sensitivity. Clove oil can etch metal. Clove smoke and clove cigarettes can make your lungs bleed. Clove oil is used to deaden the nerve of a sick tooth until you can get to the dentist. It does a great job with henna, but must be treated with respect. The "Diva" elixers that use cloves simmered in coffee are great for restoring color to stale henna ... but they make my skin itch like fire. So .... I don't use them. This is why I keep getting up on my little fruitcrate and saying "heat, wrap, steam, acidic paste and gonzo fresh henna" because these give identical results to all the additives but they harm no one.
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