Swimming through an ocean of emails, laundry, and silk chiffon
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 26, 2000 at 13:48:10:
In Reply to: Please tell me how it was!!!!! posted by Erfan on July 26, 2000 at 13:23:40:
I will get your ( and all the other) emails answered .... I'm up to my eyebrows getting through 200 emails stacked up from being at the Sirius Rising Henna Conference and Starwood at Brushwood for 2 weeks, and I tend to answer the simplest ones first. The answer to your emails is more complex, and my brain needs to calm down a bit before I can make a coherent reply. My daughter's wedding is in 3 weeks too .. so I have to make her wedding gown, bridesmaid dress etc, etc .... so I am deep in to "stir-fried brains" mode. Especially since she decided that I could do the food, too ..... I look forward to corresponding with you again, but I'm really, really swamped in urgent emails, laundry (dear god is there a lot to sort out after 2 weeks camping!), sewing up swathes of silk chiffon embroidered in lace, pearls and roses ..... As soon as I can think straight again, I'll be back to you (and everyone else!) All complex, well though out correspondences are a bit more than I can wrap my brain out right now .... I'm only good for short stuff that I can write on automatic pilot! Appy-polly-logies .....
Follow Ups:
- Wow! Nick 15:15:47 7/26/00
- Undecided Catherine Cartwright Jones 16:12:10 7/26/00