Catherine and Roy: Leave a little room for others.
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Posted by Lise Anderson / Andalusia on April 27, 1998 at 14:27:43:
I know I'm going to peeve some people off, but, scrolling down the heena chat page, one finds Catherine or Roy leaving HUGE, digressing tomes every other post. This board was set up for everyone, to share knowledge and experience. It seems to have become a major spam-board for you. Please limit yourself to a reasonable amount of postings -- I find them to represent a minority view of the huge world of henna, and they are unnecessarily digressive, often having nothing whatsoever to do with henna. Perhaps you could post that information on your web page? Then those who were truly interested would know where to look, and those of us practicing henna could have a fairer exchange of ideas. This is not a personal attack. This is simply a request. Thanks.