Thank you for the 2nd Sirius Henna Conference !
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 26, 2000 at 20:42:54:

I want to thank everyone who made the Second Annual International Sirius Rising Henna Conference such a delight! The MercRetro was not helpful at all for many people .... I especially wished that Kree and Amy could have stayed the whole week, and that Carrie and Kenzi could have made it, and of course all the 50 others of you that wanted badly to go to Sirius!" Gwyn especially says "I love you Kree!" Mr. Torrents'o'Rain was not our best friend either, but perhaps patience and coping is a good thing. The sogginess actually encouraged us to just pack into the lovely studio and have 2 great banquets (and a couple of breakfasts) with all the henna artists, Matty Jankowski, Lisa and Fred, Daniel Kolos, Jackie, Elie, Michael, and Lillith ... and so many other fascinating old friends and new acquaintences! The unusually chilly evenings were warmed by friendship and shared enthusiasm for henna, Egyptology, ancient religions, women's studies, ...and good times. We managed to get most of the things accomplished that we wanted to, in talking about approaches to the PPD problem, growing henna, and we tested 16 henna powders and pastes. (The papers and tests will get shipped back to Oxford shortly). Jeremy got to immerse several henna newbies in the art of henna. .... all of us really treasured the opportunity to talk endlessly about our infatuation with henna without anyones eyes rolling in boredom! I'm always a little startled that people are willing to sit for hours as I carry on about the history and traditions for endless hours ... and it was TERRIFIC that we had Kree, Zimra and Elie in class, because they had so much to add too! I LOVED Natasha's Roman bath class! After everyone had left Sunday, when Einsteins' Secret Orchestra was playing endless magnificent electric jams, I really, really missed all of you. I brought the leftover sparklers that we'd played with at the pit firing and lit a bunch for all of you that were speeding quickly away to far-away places ..... Hope the light brings you all back next year! I hope the lights bring more of you too! Next year the Third Annual INternational Sirius Rising Henna Conference will be July 9 to 15th . That is followed by Starwood ( http://www.rosencomet.com ). And .... we'll save a cork and a place in the hottub for you!
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