I hate the idea, but there's little I can do.
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Posted by Liisa on July 27, 2000 at 02:59:10:
In Reply to: Re: Liisa they're taking advantage of you too posted by Kenzi on July 26, 2000 at 17:52:04:
: I think that as soon as you put your designs in a public place like : the internet, you open yourself up to be used. I like Linda's : suggestion that you invite people to use your designs but ask them to : email you about it first. That't true. After thinking about this a lot, I've come to the conclusion, that eventhough I certainly don't like the fact that those ppd-people use my designs, I really cannot help it, if I want to continue providing designs to the people who use the natural stuff. When I started making a web site, I thought about adding a copyright note to each design, and I discussed this with my boyfriend. In his opinion the copyright note in the bottom of the page does the same thing (legally), and we both agreed that the designs look a lot better without any extra writing on them. Maybe I shouldn't care about the appeacence of my site so much... Anyway, I've has such a lot of wonderful feedback about the designs, in here and by email (thank you everybody!), and I want to keep drawing. The email thing might work, or I could even put up a password protected site... but in the end, I don't want to make it too difficult for the henna people to see my designs. It's difficult: if I want to share them with the henna people, I must also share them with the ppd- people. : I have your designs in my book and I make : sure to mention your name as the artist (though if you could tell me : your whole name I will put that in my book next to your designs). My familyname is Lehmusto. Lehmus is the word for linden (the tree) in Finnish. -to is just an ending. Finnish names, long and difficult to pronouse :) : I don't think she copied them or printed them directly from your : website (there weren't footers at the bottoms of the pages) so she : may have just copied them freehand into her book. If that's the : case, putting a watermark on your images wouldn't really help. What I think she did was she printed the designs and simply took a photocopy of the page with the footers covered with a piece of paper. Or she might have copied the image files on her computer and just printed them on a black paper using an another appliation. Or, if she was clever, she might have copied the html file and modified the code to remove the footers... Oh no, I think I'm becoming a geek. I spend far too much time with my computer professional boyfriend. Oh, and there _are_ a couple of designs which are online but not on my website. I haven't sent them to anybody, though. I scanned them but thought I'd draw some more of the same sort before creting a group of their own for them. Since them I've forgotten them... Need to take a look at those again. -Liisa
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