Cloves vs Clover
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 27, 2000 at 10:54:28:
In Reply to: Questions re: Clove Oil posted by Shaon on July 27, 2000 at 10:47:03:
Clove and Red Clover aren't related .... Clove is a hard woody intense spice thing that has gallotannic acid that will significantly darken henna. Red Clover is a low growing plant that has 3 leaves and reddish pom-pom shaped flowers that I used to nibble when I was a girl, but is much more frequently fed to Cows. Bees love the flowers, and clover honey is very mild. Red clover has no dye properties that I am aware of. Enjoy your clover tea ... with a bit of lemon and a spoonful of honey! I wouldn't bother putting it in your henna. When you go back to the store, get bulk cloves (not clover) and simmer them in lemon juice or coffee, strain that, and add THAT to your henna for boosting color.
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