Forum Ettiquette and Feelings
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Posted by MyST on July 27, 2000 at 11:36:11:
I think the most important thing to consider when posting is no matter how emotional a particular subject may make you, most of us are adults here, and even those who are not are mature enough to understand that there are consequences for what we say. I am not the role model for this, but I have had a lot of coaching on my "emotional outbursts" from time to time. I think something important to consider is that we are all responsible for how others perceive us, or our remarks. If you say something that you THINK might be taken wrong, either qualify it first with an explanation, or just omit. We are all here for the sake of learning from each other... and yes truth be told, some people get offended from the littlest things..... I think where Jeremy is going is that he wants everyone here to have a fun and happy experience, without having to worry about speaking your mind or walking on eggshells to do it :)~ MyST
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