Re: You people are beautiful!
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 31, 2000 at 16:33:56:
In Reply to: You people are beautiful! posted by Giselle on July 31, 2000 at 12:01:40:
Hang on ... there's going to be PLENTY of timeconsuming tiddlywork to go around! Over the next few weeks we'll need MANY people who can spell correctly, evaluate posts for relevance or bullshit, contact primary sources, organize material, organize contacts .... the whole nine yards. If you are madly enthusiastic about striking a useful blow against PPD ignorance, let me know, because it can be done with patience, organization and pickyassing details. Time, literacy and skill with the internet will be crucial. If you've got some of such to spare, let me know. I'll keep you posted in between sewing swaths of silk chiffon and yards of embroidered lace. (Gwyn will KILL me if I screw up her wedding gown......) . We've got time ... we may as well use it.
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