Re: ?Temp Tattoos Longer Lasting Than Henna?
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Posted by Julie on July 31, 2000 at 18:10:49:
In Reply to: Re: ?Temp Tattoos Longer Lasting Than Henna? posted by Julie on July 31, 2000 at 17:55:41:
I am the partner of a tattooist, and we strongly recommend that if you want a temporary tattoo, please stick to henna. These so called temp tattooists are unregulated, so they can use dirty needles and get away with it. They use the same ink and needles as normal tattooists,but believe that they are temporary if they don't tattoo too deeply into the skin. However, there is no way of telling how far the needle is going in, and people have different thicknesses of skin on different areas of the body. In a few years time people that have had a so called temp tattoo, and it still hasn't gone will realise that they are just a gimmick, and are left with a very real, very permanent tattoo. It will only be then that the government will do something about it. Until then, do not have one - you risk getting hepatitus or AIDS as well as possibly being one of the unlucky people that ends up with a permanent scar. Stick to henna, then if you decide you want one for ever, go to a recommended, local authority registered tattooist.
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