Re: Wow, I've never fetched an "Allah Akbar!"!
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Posted by Nick on July 31, 2000 at 19:22:42:
In Reply to: Re: Wow, I've never fetched an "Allah Akbar!"! posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on July 31, 2000 at 00:31:07:
: I'm not certain why there are so many Lebanese, Palestinians, : Jordanians, Syrians and Yemeni hereabouts. They're a fun lot. Remember : Klinger from M*A*S*H*? He was supposed to be Lebanese and from Toledo : Ohio. (Damn, all those episodes in drag, and no henna! What were they : thinking?) >>>>>>> Haha! Klinger! He was Hillarious!!! : There are South Asians here, but they are relatively clannish, and : when I have hennaed near them they have been pretty dismissive of me. : Occasionally brides to these families want me to henna them for their : weddings, but more often, the older women of the family refuse to : belive I can do the job and I get suddenly dismissed from the : contract. One fairly amusing festival I worked..... I sat under my : canopy and hennaed (very successfully, nonstop), and the South Asian : family in the booth next to me tried to sell "South Park" keychains, : beercoolers and Tees (Unsuccessfully). South Park! Ha!Somehow, though, I can't picture that.
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