Re: Ok, sorry!
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Posted by Kenzi on July 31, 2000 at 19:31:43:
In Reply to: Ok, sorry! posted by Nick on July 30, 2000 at 19:37:37:
I don't think name-calling and flame wars will ever stop as long as there is this Internet-thingy! Every group I have ever belonged to on the internet was beset by occasional flame cycles (maybe it's the moon, or Mars, who knows) and then things die down and everyone's happy, warm and fuzzy. It's the nature also of the written word. There is almost no way to make sure that what you write will be interpreted exactly as you intended it. Smileys are great for indicating joking, but there aren't sufficient emoticons to express some more subtle aspects of human speech. how do you show raised eyebrows, a sly glance, eyes rolling back in the head, eyes of fire darting out in all directions, etc.? Sure makes life interesting and keeps me coming back to the Forum, every day, if I can.
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