Ex Forum Participant has been through here MANY times
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on August 01, 2000 at 00:05:13:
In Reply to: Re: Catherine were is your heart, people look up to you, Dont you think they think different about you now, Or dont you care posted by I can't beleive this....... on July 31, 2000 at 21:52:41:
The Ex forum Participant has been around many times. Generally the Ex Forum Participant starts off by tearing into me, personally .... and for some reason a flock of Forum regulars rush to defend my honor. It makes a bit of a train wreck in the Forum. Then the Ex Forum poster goes away for a while and mopes. I set a barb in that response, because I wanted to figure out who was posting anonymously, and it worked. It could have been any one of the very few people who have been pounced and flamed on the Forum. (As far as I've noticed, the pounces have been pretty thoroughly deserved) But, in the anonymus folllowups, the EFP responded the way only one specific of those few would have. This time, though, the Ex Forum Participant is playing The Victim, and seeing if I can be portrayed as a vile uncaring cow. (As long as Ex Forum Poster is portraying me accurately, how can I complain?) I'm interested in henna, not in whiners who take anonymous shots in the dark. Before I respond to the Ex Forum Poster, I want to see an identity, and a specific complaint. Problems can be addressed. Whining is just noise.
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