How to tell PPD from mostly harmless black henna, and what to do
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on August 19, 2000 at 09:58:52:
In Reply to: Black Henna in Paramount's Great Amercia posted by Mr SayAO on August 19, 2000 at 01:20:24:
If they do black henna that stains the skin BLACK within 2 hours, (on an arm or such) and the black lasts for at least 2 weeks (on an arm or such).... they ARE using PPD in one form or another. If the black henna stain doesn't last beyond a week you might be ok, BUT ask them to PROVE to your satisfaction what is in the paste, and if you're OK with the ingredients, go for it. There are 2 safe products that I know of, and they don't last very long. There is PPD, and it goes BLACK and lasts LONG and is disasterous. So .... ask lots of questions, and carry a printout of black henna warnings, and another of the url below with you. If they get dodgy about what's in the paste .. or don't seem to know .... or if they have EVER had someone come back with welts and blisters ... give them a present. It could be the kindest thing you ever do. Give them the PPD warning printouts to read. They may not know they are ruining their kidneys, livers, and possibly endangering their unborn children. Every time they mix PPD paste or get it on themselves, they are getting a big dose of toxin ... and there is no way from packaging that they would ever know that that is happening. PPD blisters, scars, and toxic exposure is simply an epidemic of ignorance. Information cures ignorance. (All that's necessary for bad black henna PPD to continue is for good people to do nothing.)
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