Black Henna question
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Posted by Robin on August 20, 2000 at 23:24:43:
I was wondering if there was anyone out there who could let me know if there was a significant possibility that the Black Henna I bought was made with PPD. I decided to look on the web before I used it, and I am SO glad I did. I bought my Henna at an imported foods store. It is Hairdye It is made somewhere called S.A.RIt is made by a company called Dalia, and all the writing (except the English instructions) looks Arabic to me The box says 100% Pure Black Henna (which I now know is NOT true) It says that in order to get a black color, you have to add vinegar and It says it takes 3 hours to stain If anyone could help me (preferably through an email) figure out if this is made with PPD, I would appreciate it greatly! Thank you so much Robin Angulo Ozark, MO
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