Re: Amunez..Black..SAFE??
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Posted by justin on October 23, 1998 at 02:32:23:
In Reply to: Amunez..Black..SAFE?? posted by Cindy on August 19, 1998 at 11:38:05:
this amunez shit disappeared but left a big red welt, in the shape of the tattoo that wont go away please help!!!!!!!! : I would like to comment on this quote- : "Try Amunez. It is not henna, and it doesn't have the nasty chemicals : that black henna has."
: Amunez is not henna that's a sure thing, but to say it doesn't have : the nasty chemicals that black henna has is incorrect. This product : contains; PPD, Ethyl Cellulose, Titanium Dioxide, Carmine, and Iron : Dioxide. : It is a powder that is mixed with a 'catalyst binding solution'. I : have no idea what the ingredients of the solution are, but it smells : like petrol (no joke) to not only me but others too. It is a big hit : in Bali! I have stood and watched the artists but had to walk away : because of the very strong smell that surrounded the entire area. It : is very expensive, but you need very little product. It is IMHO not : something I would use, and doubt whether it would be approved by the : FDA. Please if there is a representative for Amunez who can enlighten : us more on the contents of the 'catalyst binding solution' and the : levels of PPD, here's your chance. What is this stuff that stains so : black..and so quick? faded tattoos turned a purple first. : Hope this helps.