Henna: Lawsonia Inermis
Catherine Cartwright-Jones © 2004

Henna is Lawsonia Inermis, family Lythraceae
High Resolution Scans: 4 Mg Zipfile
 Henna Henna Henna

If you click on the images above, you can download a zipfile of high resolution scans of henna plants.  These scans range from 300dpi to 1200 dpi.  They are as close as you can get to examining a henna plant with a magnifying glass. These images clearly show the veins, petioles, buds, and at the highest resolution you can see individual plant cells. These were taken from two different varieties of henna plant.  They were harvested at peak growing season (for the vicinity of Cleveland, Ohio), with daytime temperatures of 97 F, high humidity, and weekly thunderstorms.  You can actually see the Lawsone saturation in the red veins and buds.

These scans may be used FREE by any student, teacher, or researcher for educational purposes, as long as the copyright information is left in place on the images.  These images may be included in a research paper by a student for a class,  by a teacher in a classroom presentation.

These images may not be used on anyone's website, in any publication, or for any commercial purpose.  Unauthorized reproduction of these images is illegal under international copyright law.

For more information on cultivating and using fresh henna, see:

Can't find what you're looking for?  Try:

The Henna Page Main Index 
*"Henna, the Joyous Body Art" 
the Encyclopedia of Henna
Catherine Cartwright-Jones c 2000 
registered with the US Library of Congress
TXu 952-968