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Stratum Corneum: 
The Science of Henna and Skin

What is your skin made of, and how is it made? 

How does henna stain your skin?

Why doesn't a henna stain last forever like a tattoo?

Henna stains, day after day

Why does the stain get darker in some places than others?

Why does the stain disappear so fast in some places?

Why do henna stains on the the palms and soles last a long time?

What are those last orange traces, and why do they seem to last forever?


"Number of Cell Layers of the Stratum Corneum in Normal Skin - relationship to the anatomical location on the body, age, sex and physical parameters"
Ahen Ya-Xian, Takaki Suetake, Hachiro Tagani
Archive of Dermtology Research, 1999, Issue 291: 555-559; Springer-Verlag, 1999

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*"Henna, the Joyous Body Art" 
the Encyclopedia of Henna
Catherine Cartwright-Jones c 2000 
registered with the US Library of Congress
TXu 952-968

All text and images on this page
copyright 2003
all rights reserved
Catherine Cartwright-Jones
The Henna Page