Liquid latex application
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Posted by Kenzi on April 08, 2001 at 13:17:47:
does anyone out there have a great trick for applying liquid latex? I was told that I could use a soft-bristled brush and then when I was done I could just wash the latex out of the brush. I did this but the latex dried onto the bristles into 2 or 3 large clumps after the first layer and afterwards it didn't clean up with soap and water as promised. Instead I had to scrape the latex off the bristles which takes forever. On a website devoted to liquid latex art they had a kit that came with foam brushes and they showed people applying it with these brushes. i can see that they would be great for applying but I assume that they will have they same problems as the soft-bristle brushes have and I will just have to throw them out. Foam brushes are cheap but if they are useless after one application that will get expensive very quickly! I now apply with my fingertips which works fine but is a little messy because of the dripping. I am hoping one of you super helpful and clever and resourceful henna mavens has the perfect solution to my p
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