thought this was interestingPosted by MyST on May 3, 2001 at 22:56:52: I just started Culinary school and I'm in my 5th week now. My basicculinary class is taught by a really awesome executive chef who I adore. Anyhow I did some really subtle henna to my fingers and around my wrist, and I was afraid he might be "anti-henna" but instead asked me about it, knew what it was and thought it was cool. It's really interesting sometimes to see the kind of reactions you get from people ;)~ I'm looking forward to the upcoming henna season ;) It's not quite warm enough here in MN, but I have a gig in 2 weeks, and Frankie and I are in the midst of some major revamping of our signs, design books, business cards and so forth, always fun! The fest is on a Saturday and Sunday but the big bummer is I have school on Sat. from 7am-noon and then the fest starts at 2pm, and goes until dark. AKKK....Am I gonna be tired? I think so ;)~ Anyhow, just wanted to check in and say hi! MyST p.s. Thanks CCJ for the carrot bags and henna ;)~
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