Re: Sanskrit
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Posted by Matthew on May 18, 2001 at 18:32:25:
In reply to:
Sanskrit posted by
Laura on May 17, 2001 at 14:39:17:
: I'm looking for a certain sanskrit phrase and symbol. Once at a
: class at the very end we all said something that sounded like "Jai
: Begwan". It meant something along the lines "Honor the Light
Ok I am not sure about the secound word.. There are many Sansckrit
words that sound like that, some mean house, Jai means "give praise"
or "salute". Namaste is close meaning, but personal as a greating you
honor the light within the one you great when you say Namaste.
It sounds like that might have been the name of the yoga teachers
Guru. The Image is Sandskcrit for Namaste..
Hope this has been useful..
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