Titanium dioxide in Pakistani premixed cones ...
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Posted by Jewel on June 14, 2001 at 02:23:06:
In reply to:
Most exciting! posted by
Faery Ring on June 13, 2001 at 22:38:11:
Incidently, I've been using Pakistani premixed cones that I buy from
an Indian lady here (when I'm feeling lazy to mix my own). She told
me that it has 100% henna and some EOs which she would not reveal, of
course. I think I've posted about this before. As Faery Ring has
said, the colour of the paste is pale green. It produces a beautiful
deep dark stain even if it's left for an hour on the skin. I've never
had any irritation to it though. The one that I have been using now
has titanium dioxide on it's label sticker but I have no idea that
you can easily get it (thanks for the link !).
Here's an example of what the stain looks like left for an average of
4 - 5 hours. Ohh BTW, the paste can last for about 2 - 3 months kept
in the coldest corner of the fridge. I recently did a design on my
feet using a 2 month old paste (pic). When fading, it will not leave
that familiar orange stain (that last for a long time). Instead, the
skin where the patterns are will sort of flake off and I can easily
rub that part with my loofah to reveal clean, spotless skin ready for
the next henna treatment.
Do you think the titanium powder does more than improve the texture ?
(I like the texture of the paste so far, always nice and smooth)
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