Re: What do you think about this, I could do with some advice!Posted by Christine on July 3, 2001 at 02:48:48: In reply to: What do you think about this, I could do with some advice! posted by Lynn on July 2, 2001 at 18:30:11: : Hi all, I've got a bit of a problem and I wanted to share it withyou : and get your thoughts on it. Last weekend (10 days ago), I had three : bookings. Thursday night I hennaed myself with a bottle of mud that : I got out of my freezer, I did my ankle and back of my hand. I went : to bed, the designs came out great - good colour etc. On Friday : afternoon I went to a school fair - I don't normally do school fairs, : but it was a Friday and I wasn't booked, it was for their charity and : I had done a Pamper Yourself Evening for them last October and they : had been really happy. It was a boiling hot day and I sat outside : and hennaed non-stop for two hours - I did about 30 children and : Mums. Then I went to a Fair the next day, and a Funday on the : Sunday - I used the same bottle of henna. I had to scrub my hand : design off as I had a meeting to attend but I left my ankle design : and it is still there today (11 days later) - quite visible. Today I : got a phonecall from a lady who said I had hennaed her daughter at : the school fair - a small flower at the top of her arm, (I often give : out my phone no.), she said the design hadn't come out - it had : fallen off after 20 minutes. I apologised, said this had never : happened before (It hasn't), I said I did not know why it had : happened and asked for her name and address and said I would refund : her the £3. She then said that she wanted me to re-do her daughter, : who was dissapointed, and that she wanted a larger design. She told : me she does not drive and cannot get to any of the local events I am : doing. She wants me to go to her house and re-do her daughter. It's : about 7 miles away from me and not somewhere I pass by usually, so I : would have to go out of my way. I asked for her phone no. and said I : would contact her and do it when I was passing her way and my henna : was out of the freezer. What do you think? None of it really adds : up, 29 other kids were all fine. Why if it didn't work does she want : it done again, and why a bigger design. Why did she take 10 days to : phone me, if it fell off in 20 mins why didn't she come straight : back. I am now full of self doubt, even though I have seen people : again and they have been really happy with my work. As I type this : now my husband is sat with a flower design on his arm (the same : design the girl chose), he's been busy getting in the washing etc and : it hasn't dropped off - and it's really old henna I keep in the : fridge for when the children want a little lesson in henna. I want : people to go away happy. Is there anything (apart from 'picking', : which people swear they don't do even though you sit watching them do : it) that would make henna just fall off. : : I feel a bit down about it. : : Lynn I work retail let me tell you the best advice is be nice, be firm stand your ground(politely of course) and re-do the design on your terms. And I agree with the others it will be better to re -do the design at the next public event. If I got upset everytime a customer didn't like the stores return policy, I'd be in the looney bin by now. You did the right thing, but I never give refunds, I charge a re-do fee and it is posted on my design price list so there are no arguements then again, you always get a customer no matter what you do, give them the moon and they will never be satisfied. For this woman give the refund, do the design as a courtesy no charge and if it happens again, go over the after care with her, so this won't be a repeat occurance with this one customer. good luck! Christine :)
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