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Re: Back from my first festival!Posted by LORRY on September 4, 2001 at 17:28:25: In reply to: Back from my first festival! posted by CorasMama on September 3, 2001 at 17:45:24: : I'm back from the Gathering of the Tribes. Wow! I had the besttime! : : I got there Thursday, and got set up, and almost immediately started : hennaing! Everything was great Thurs, Friday, and Saturday. I was : hennaing practically non-stop. About half of the customers wanted : something from the books, but the other half just let me go hog- : wild. I think, IMHO, that those turned out the best. I got to do : hands, ankles, legs, arms, backs, shoulders, and even one breast! I : did a bunch of kids and teens, too, (of course, with their parents' : permission) and I think they were the most fun of all. They were all : starting school soon, so we had fun coming up with designs that meant : what WE wanted them to mean, but wouldn't look too "pagan" to non- : pagans! : : I must have done at least 5 "Mists of Avalon" moons on foreheads. : That was kind of fun. : : I almost always had at least one person watching, and learning, which : was great, because I love to teach people. I also gave out about 5 : or 6 cones. I was very glad that I had brought all the links to : CCJ's Sirius mixes page, Maison Kenzi, and Castle Art! So I think : Henna has made a real hit in the Virginia/North Carolina pagan : community. : : In the evening, at the fire circle / drumming circle, the henna : designs looked downright awesome in the firelight on the people : dancing. : : Then Sunday it all went wrong. The day started out with waking up : late. Then when I got there, and got set up, the first one that came : up to get hennaed couldn't stop telling me about how he was a third- : degree this, and third-degree that, blah blah blah, I'm-so-cool-and- : so-very-pagan-admire-me crap. Then there were three women who all : came together, and OH! the Drama! of their lives! The first two had : any clue how to ground and center. I tend to get very close and : communal-like with the person I'm hennaing, so by the time I was done : with them, I felt like all the hairs on my body were standing on : edge. I had to go take a walk and unkink all my muscles, it made me : so tense. And at the end of the day, I still had to drive 4 hours to : get home to rescue a very grumpy husband from a three-year old. : : But all in all, I had a fantastic time, made a bunch of new friends, : and probably drummed up some business for Kenzi and Amy. (So if you : guys get orders from new customers in Richmond and North Carolina, : that's where they heard about you.) Guess got done with a festival too. Once you get to henna along time like that its gets almost addictive. I can not wait for my next one. You sounded like you did really well, especially for a first one. I am still getting the hang of it....
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