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Re: (expletive deleted) (unprintable) Terped henna still not working for mePosted by Nick on September 4, 2001 at 18:42:16: In reply to: (expletive deleted) (unprintable) Terped henna still not working for me posted by Lauren on September 4, 2001 at 16:42:31: I think maybe you got it that time but you waited a little bit toolong to use it. If i had done the same thing with the Moroccan henna i use, i would have gotten the same results. Try doing the same, but don't let it sit quite as long after you add the oils. Maybe only 8 hours, and no more. I have been getting excellent stains that way. ~Nick : I used Jamila henna and mixed it with lemon juice to mashed-potato : consistencyand left it on the counter overnight Thursday. Friday : morning, I mixed it with cajeput and cardamom oil to CCJ's ratio. I : left that out all day on the counter. Friday evening, it was too : cajeput-smelling so I added a bit more cardamom, then put it in : carrot bags. Throughout this, I always use an alcohol wipe on the : skin before application. Saturday morning, I did a small design on : my palm and left it on for about half an hour. It was still damp : when I rinsed it off to a medium-light orange. I then did a design : on the back of my hand and left it on until it cracked and fell off. : It was very very very light orange. By Sunday, the palm had turned : to a respectable but not impressive medium red-brown and the back of : my hand was a dark tan. I could have dealth with this had it been : just me, but i'd also done a few other folks and the back of one hand : was almost a pinkish tan, and the top of a foot was a very light : brown-tan color. I went over the Saturday designs on myself and the : palm turned a very lovely dark brown when left to fall off and the : back of my hand is now a darkish brown, which while not lovely is : acceptably dark. : Now, the problem is that I'm doing a big festival this weekend and I : need a good mix for it. I've gotten much better results from using : my eucalyptus oil than any of the terpines I've tried. I know that : sometimes the pregnant thing will affect henna results, but am I : giving off weird non-staining vibes strong enough so it won't take on : other people? : I'm so frustrated, especially after having spent so much on those : expensive EOS! I HATE having to apologize for a wimpy stain. I want : the stain CCJ got on her hand in the picture and I want it NOW.
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