to Jeni
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Posted by Jolynn on September 4, 2001 at 21:34:31:

Is this along the lines of what you are looking for? This is my first
attempt a drawing a tribal design and I would change a number of
things to help the fairy show up better. If it is I would be glad to
send a copy of the reworked one next week- kids start school tomorrow
and I have a craft fair this weekend. I was also thinking of doing one
using more traditional mehndi designs. Varying the density of the
pattern to give the apperance of shading at a distance. Thus, up close
there would be a strange convoluted henna design that would, if it
works, resolve to more of a picture at a distance.
Once again, this is not something I have done before so it will be a
good challange for me!
Let me know what you think,
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