tea, and patterns for peace, hope & healingPosted by Anne in CT on September 11, 2001 at 23:54:00: Hej,First off, I'm glad we've heard from Kenzi and others from New York. On the mailing list I'm on (ABBA), we're still waiting to hear from a few New Yorkers, one of whom worked in the WTC - I hope he's okay. I remember several years ago when I was taking a philosophy course. The instructor told us about a conversation a Zen master had with an interviewer about how to achieve world peace. The Zen master said he would drink tea: drinking tea is relaxing and calming. If you are relaxed and calm, those around you will be relaxed and calm, as will those around them. I think henna has a similar affect on people - it brings us together, regardless of manmade boundries. I know CCJ has some patterns for peace - perhaps combining those with patterns for hope and peace will bring some small amount of good into this dark situation. If anyone has any patterns, please post them. Anne in CT, who usually doesn't get so philosophical; and who isn't sure she can give blood 'cause of the meds she's on, but will find out soon
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