Pics of my hand, and a Question about henna for hair
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Posted by Sarah B on September 14, 2001 at 14:31:49:

Ok... here's the picture of my hand... I've put the link to the page
below in case it doesn't work. Surprisingly its massively darker
today than it was lastnight when I scanned it. I don't know if you
can pick them out but I included the arabic words for Wisdom (across
the palm), Love (on the heel of my hand), and Peace (just at the base
of my thumb) I got them from a few of Catherine's designs, much
thanks to you again, Ms. Jones.
Ok... a few questions about henna for the hair. First off, how long
should you wait after dying your hair with actual hair dye before you
attempt henna? Second, if you henna your hair, does your scalp turn
orange? Third, if you have a simple recicpe that doesn't involve too
many exotic ingredients could you send it my way, my roommate and I
are thinking of hennaing our hair and could use some guidance.
Thanks ahead of time!
Blessings, love, and my prayers,
Sarah B.
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