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I agreePosted by Jolynn on September 18, 2001 at 06:16:31: In reply to: Re: A Letter from an Afghani-American attorney posted by Maureen on September 18, 2001 at 00:54:34: Thank you for pointing out what should be very plain.By the way, Pakistan has agreed to work with the US in this, unlike what was said in the letter. Also, I don't remember the government saying they would "bomb Afganistan to the stone age" only the DJ's in the letter. One the problems is how to get Bin Laden without doing just that! jolynn : This will probably PO some people but here is the deal. There is a : serious propaganda machine at work on both sides of this issue. I : have received so many emails of such letters in the last few : days...including this one. There seems to be a misunderstanding : inherent in the thoughts that the US should not be baited by Bin : Laden into doing what Bin Laden wants the US to do. The fact is that : the US has decided that this is war based upon the attacks on the : WTC, the Pentagon and the other events that resulted in the deaths of : people on US soil last Tuesday. This is not a consideration of IF : the US will and should respond. This is just a matter of when. If : all things in the letter is absolutely true, the condition of the : Afghanistan people was not the fault of any of the people killed last : Tuesday. The shedding of innocent blood has already been done and : 9/ll was not the first time innocent blood was shed...and will not be : the last. And that is unfortunate for the world but is a reality of : the world we live in. And has been the reality for a long long long : time. Except for people like you and I who go about our everyday : lives...the minor players...the pawns...there are no clean hands on : the worlds larger political picture. There is no moral high ground : to be claimed. When one is going to look at history they should look : at history in total and not choose some small part of history and : present it as the story. : : So Bin Laden wants the US out of Saudi Arabia. OK what if everyone : agreed to leave the place they occupy, reside, captured, marshall, : whatever, and returned to the land of their origin. What would the : world look like? Who would be in America...the US, Canada or : Mexico? Who would be in North Africa, the Sudan, South Africa. : There is no moral high ground in the context of history when the : total story is told. And to tell less than the total story is to : create propaganda. : : There will certainly be more coming from all directions. Just be : more skeptical when it comes at you. : : Maureen
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