tape resist?
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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on September 19, 2001 at 16:47:23:
In reply to:
really . . . how bad is it to use stencils posted by
Anne in CT on September 19, 2001 at 13:30:07:

Have you considered working with tape resist henna patterns?
Algeria, Mali, Mauritania and some other North African countries have
very interesting traditions of resist henna. Tape, or even winding
thread around fingers and hands have been used to do resist henna,
creating intricate and beautiful patterns.
Can you hold an X-acto knife well enough to cut tape without hurting
yourself? It's tedious, but the results can be very beautiful.
Also ... see if you can find a MyoFascial Trigger Point Therapist to
work on your pain. They can do wonders!
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