Re: sad news of hatePosted by Robert on September 19, 2001 at 19:28:28: In reply to: Re: sad news of hate posted by Lynn on September 18, 2001 at 11:07:36: A person should never be abused for being different, and all childrenshould be taught tolerance towards others -- no reasonable person would argue that point. But this is a war. The people of Cambodia know this well. A peaceful people they prayed and offered no resistance. Pol Pot who was defended by Jane Fonda and others in the USA peace campaign, murdered, I repeat, murdered millions of innocent people. No one wants war. No reasonable person enjoys violence. But defending our rights to henna, our right to demonstrate, peoles right to openly be gay, even people’s right – misguided and shameful as they are – to say that the murder of innocent men, women, and children on September 11 was the fault of USA, sometimes require we fight for these rights. As a Canadian and a member of NATO, as a lover of democracy, as a father of three children, I will do what I can to stop these cowardly terrorist and give my children, like my father fought to give me, the right to live without fear.
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