wise man vs. wiseman - kinda ot

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Posted by Anne in CT on September 20, 2001 at 21:14:38:

In reply to: BLACK HENNA is safe posted by A wiseman on September 20, 2001 at 06:16:45:


A wise man would know that it's two words, not one. He would also
know that anetdotal (sp? Anne, who tries to ID the words she's not
sure of) evidence pales in comparison to the documented evidence the
wonderful people of the forum, especially CCJ, have researched and

My old math teacher was a Wiseman - she had two sons and lived down
the road from me when I was in elementary school. I trust they grew
up to be wise men.

But if this wiseman is wearing "black Henna tattos" I hope he won't
call them henna, because they aren't henna, and won't call them
tattos, because that's not a word. (Then again, not a lot of people
know how to spell tattoo. Norman Bates did, though.)



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