my third attempt! thoughts...
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Posted by Peregrine on October 1, 2001 at 13:37:56:

well I have been lurking here for a while so I figured I would finally
post a picture of my latest attempt to henna my hand. (you can also
sort of see a 2 week old design underneath this one)
this was done last night with castle art henna that I got from Anne
from CT, lemon juice and sugar added on saturday afternoon at about 4,
left it out overnight, added tea tree oil at 7 am sunday, lavendar at
about 11 am, did my feet at about 1 and my hand at about 6. wrapped my
hand with tissue and wore it to bed...but took it off my feet 8 hours
after I had done them... my hand came out this nice dark cherry brown
color, but the stain on the top of my feet is pretty wimpy orangy-red
at the moment. maybe it will darken up today...cant show you a picture
since i cant get my feet on the scanner :)
I think the variable at work here is heat...my feet were pretty cold
yesterday even though I had them wrapped up with socks on, but sleeping
with the hand wrapped kept it really warm. in fact i think the warmth
made the paste/oil sort of bleed more so the lines are actually fatter
than they were when I wrapped it...
this was also the first attempt with the carrot bag after 2 frustrating
attempts with a jaquard bottle. using the carrot bag is like using a
nib tip pen versus a rapidograph pen...kind of works like a calligraphy
pen. but I also think I have made the paste a little too oily since it
spreads out once its down no matter how thin the line...got around this
a little by having a space heater to dry it while i was working since I
am slow...
the design is based on a ukrainian pysanky easter egg design, another
art that I do which is similar I think...lots of practice and
experimentation with a weird drawing tool in a stubborn and capricious
medium (melted wax) to get the results you want...fun :)
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