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Posted by jolynn on October 2, 2001 at 06:35:00:

Hi, got some pics to share. The left side is the original design 2
hours after the paste came off. (I realized when I unwrapped it that
it relly need more to make a balanced design-so added the rest). The
right side is 4 days after the original design paste was removed. The
stain was so dark! I found myself staring at it way too much!!
I used terped paste. because it has been rather cold here I taped the
design with micropore tape and wrapped it with lots of TP. The added
warmth really hepled.
I used the same paste-1 and 2 days old when I did my hand- this
weekend at a fall festival my sister and I were doing. I did 2
designs the first day-very cold. Both came back the next day to show
me. Both were even darker than mine.
me is sooooo happy!
jolynn-who was forgetting what a dark stain looks like.
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