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Posted by Catherine Cartwright Jones on October 4, 2001 at 02:45:59:
In reply to:
CCJ: Can't locate food service gloves posted by
Lisa K on October 4, 2001 at 00:14:05:

I get mine at Linnea's at 4149 Karg Industrial Parkway, Kent,
Ohio, 44240 ; phone # 330-678-7112. ... the wholesale source. They're
likely called polythene food handler gloves, and I'll see if I can dig
up the catelog number.
They look about like the pic here when doing their usual job.
It's a loose, cheap plastic glove that breathes a bit.
If you want to run the net, use the search words:
Foodhandler gloves
Disposible polythene gloves
Plastic Disposable Gloves
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