Right. Ignore all my bodged attempts below....
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Posted by Graeme on October 9, 2001 at 09:34:39:
In reply to:
Jolynn posted by
Graeme on October 8, 2001 at 10:15:10:

I seem to have totally lost how to get the pictures up and filled the
board with threads (below) that have no image on them ( Jeremy, any
chance of a "message preview before we post it" thingy) I have now
put numbers on all the sketches on my site to avoid confusion when
discussing them. Jolynn not sure I know which images you are talking
about (hence the numbers) but the fireface things are not meant as a
brace, they were just ideas thrown up when you mentioned the flame
effect and the banshee. I think the brace is going aweay from the
original idea and needs to get back to the "embossed leather sort of
design I originally was after, so a total rethink on sketch number 3
is going to take place sooner or later, retaining the shape but a
modification to the design more along the lines of traditional Mehndi
ie, small repeated shapes, circles,squares etc.
But, I love the way the flame designs have progressd and thrown up
the new ideas, I am happy with the rework following your suggestions,
there is the appearance (image 5) of something clawing or grasping up
towards the sets of eyes at the top of the sketch.
The Fireface's (images 6 and 7) or dragons need a lot doing yet, the
eyes are not sinister enough and the mouth/jowl is too contrived...
Anyway going on a bit, thanks to all for the input and suggestions
and feel free to suggest more/modify, and apologies to Jerermy for
occupying so much space with something that is not traditional henna,
although you did say on you welcome page that new directions were of
P.s. just in case the images are at www.geocities.com/graemefisher
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