Buisness Card Opinions?
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Posted by Sarah B on October 10, 2001 at 05:55:05:

Hi all!
Yep I'm still alive here in chilly PA. Have just been lurking about
reading lately, nothing interesting to report really, other than how
many people here at school have suddenly taken an interest in my
designs. I have a sort of tribal looking dragon on the inside of my
left arm right now whose getting lots of attention. Anyhow... as you
see up there ^ I sort of designed a buisness card on my comp, I was
wondering what you all thought of it... or if you had any thoughts or
suggestions for making it better. I'm also looking into making a sort
of brochure type thing as well. Anyhow, there it is, and yes the
blocked out areas do have my addy and phone number, I'm just weird
about posting stuff like that on the web at random. I'm looking into
getting a cell phone for henna buisness use, so eventually that'll be
on the page and on the card in place of my home (well school really)
number. Thanks already.
Sarah B
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