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Thank you!!! (n/t)Posted by Jewel on October 18, 2001 at 06:38:29: In reply to: lovely work as ever from your talented hands!! (nt) posted by Alissa on October 17, 2001 at 22:49:05: : : PHEW! It's finally OVER!! Hani's wedding started on Wednesday: : morning. They had their marriage solemnised that day. I did her : henna : : the night before. The Meccan henna stained a glorious deep red on : her : : fingertips. I used Navaid's natural paste for the patterns. Hani : : wanted Moroccan (YAY!) so I chose a Loretta Roome inspired pattern : : for the top of her hands. I started about midnight right after the : : last guests left my house. By the time I finished both tops, she : was : : already nodding off, which makes it difficult for me to work faster : : as she kept twitching her hands and stretching all the time. For : her : : palms, I reproduced a pattern I did before. The next day, the : stains : : were dark and lovely. : : : : On Friday morning, Hani went through the customary Chinese tea : : ceremony at Dan's place (Dan is Chinese Muslim). Later that : evening, : : Dan's family hosted a sit-down dinner for about 300 guests at a : hotel : : for his relatives and friends and on Sunday my family hosted a : buffet : : lunch reception for our relatives and friends. Mom must have : invited : : about 1,200 people (Golly gee!). It was a wonderfully colourful and : : cheery occasion. The bride and groom was dressed in a traditional : : Malay costume. They were escorted to the banquet hall amidst : banging : : from the "kompang" group, a traditional Malay instrument, like a : flat : : drum, played in a group of 10 - 12 people, with loud singing : usually : : praising God and prophet Muhammad. The bride and groom sat on a : : beautifully decorated dias like a King & Queen while guests took : : turns to be photographed with them. I decorated the bridal car and : : made the hand bouquet for Hani. : : : : Together with my mom and brother, I tended to the guests, lots of : : kisses and hugs were exchanged as we meet relatives and old : friends. : : I was exhausted by the end of the day but thankful that everything : : went as planned. It was nice seeing all those people again. I : didn't : : get to henna my cousins 'cos I was too busy doing millions of other : : things. Oh well, we will plan a henna party soon, to make up for : : that :). : : : : I want to share some pics from the wedding with all of you. I wish : : all of you could have been there :). Thanks for the best wishes! : : : : Love & peace, : : : : ~Jewel~ - who is going barefoot at her wedding and inviting only 50 : : people ;) ...
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