This is the result I get using tea tree and bergamot--1week old
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Posted by Kim on October 26, 2001 at 01:20:22:
In reply to:
Help from the Sirius Mixmasters, please posted by
Lauren on October 25, 2001 at 19:33:50:

You can see where it's just now getting that blotchiness. I'll be
able to keep this color for almost another week on the back of the
hand and the knuckles will stay dark for another week after that.
I don't really experience the faster fading that some others do. My
designs tend to stick around for 2 to 3 weeks. I use just Jamila,
lemon juice, honey and tea tree or Caj EO. Cajeput gave the same if
not slightly better color and it took 3 days to develop.
I'll never go back to Euc oil because of the fabulous color I get
EVERY time from the higher terp oils.
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