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Posted by Sarah B on October 27, 2001 at 04:47:50:
In reply to:
The tea tree oil didn't work for me posted by
Shabree on October 27, 2001 at 01:53:47:

: The only difference in color I have noticed
: is a dark orange. To all of the people who
: use tea tree in their paste, how long did it take
: before you got a dark color and what brand of oil did
: you use? The brand I used is NOW,any suggestions?
: Thanks.
I use Natural Harvest Tea Tree Oil from the first aid section at your
local Wal*Mart. It runs about $5.00 for 2oz and its never let me
down! When you first remove the paste, the stain will be anything
from dandilion gold, to bright pumpkin orange, both looking very much
like magic marker ink. About 24 hours later they will really startle
you for their dark color, and another 24 hours after that they will
reach their peak. The picture above was using the Tea Tree from
Wal*Mart as were the piccies on my site.
Sarah B
(If the piccie doesn't show it can be found in my gallery labled the
Neo Celtic Palm (its the really swirly one) )
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