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Posted by Anne Beltestad on October 31, 2001 at 14:52:28:

In reply to: a little socialist on the move posted by Darlahood on October 31, 2001 at 03:55:28:

Hey Darla,

Thanks for your good points. And cheers to you for donating to your
local cause.
It is true that many pre-existing charities have lost much-needed
funds, and are suffering pretty badly right now.
It is also true that blind faith in what our leaders and their
whitewashed, censored corporate media tell us is NOT patriotism.
Patriotism means loving your country and your fellow citizens enough
to work to change things, and to ask the difficult questions that
MUST be asked if we are to evolve as a species.
I think the very best tribute we as a society could give those whose
lives have been lost is to question US foreign policy. What if we
had a moratorium on aid to all "operatives" abroad until we foun out
they weren't going to become the next Osama, Saddam, or Hitler (yes,
we funded all three of these "great satans"!)
BUt as you point out war is good business, and these sorts of
profiteers have never listened to those of us with brains. That's
what gave the American Revolution success in the first place.
Here are a couple of good websites:

www.bushnews.com (good section on patriotism)
www.nowto.org/summit (a peoples' summit on just these issues being
held here in NYC)



: I haven't donated anything to the 9-11 disaster because it seems
: everywhere you go there are collections for money for NYC.
: Instead I pledged some money to a local radio station that relies
: upon community support because it is commercial free.
: I think acting locally is much more important.
: And I may be stepping on toes here, but I think this "war" is
: to make rich men feel better since their big buildings got blown
: Aw, boo hoo. I know that sounds heartless, but really the world
: trade center is all about wealth and power. I'm sorry for the
: who got hurt, and I'm sorry for the loved ones families lost, but
: nothing seems more removed from my sphere of being than a rich
: big building in the sky.
: The civilian casualty numbers from Afghanistan grow larger
: How is this an accident? Did you know that the food parcels for
: Afghan people look exactly the same as the unexploded cluster bombs
: dropped on them? How is this an accident? I think the Taliban are
: bunch of pigs, but I for one am feeling a little inclined to
: expatriate at this junction of american history.


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