Re: first henna in a while

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Posted by jolynn on November 10, 2001 at 05:26:24:

In reply to: Re: first henna in a while posted by G on November 9, 2001 at 18:00:55:

I waited until the design was almost dry to put on the latex and it
was on for about 8 hours. It did smear a little, but not long enough
for the stain to really take. When I peeled off the laxtex the paste
was very wet, more so than when I put the paste on. If I use it in
summer I don't think I will leave it on as long-or even have to leave
it on as long.

today the color is a dark chestnut brown with reddish tones and almost
black on the knuckles. I love it, so it will most likely fade soon.
speaking of which, how long did the result of your HUI(hennaing under
the influence) last?

Take care,
: nice stain.
: How long was the latex on.I have a problem with the latex, I am a
: warm person and the latex makes me sweat, so i have to keep a
: watchful eye on it, otherwise it lifts and the design smudges
: it. I assume this is more a mans problem than a womans (although I,
: known some woman....least said soonest mended!)ve


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