Henna for Hair

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Gilding Techniques: Hair Gel and Body Glitter

Make your own glitter pastes easily, safely and inexpensively!

Use hair gel for your base.
See  http://www.hennapage.com/henna/how/gilding/ to decide what hair gel to purchase.  Its especially important to get a thick, non-runny hair gel for your glitter mix, because glitter will separate out of a runny gel, and be impossible to use.  Hair gels come in several colors, though they dry nearly transparent. Get hair gel in a color that will compliment your glitter.

Purchase Becoming Moonlight® Glitter to make your glitter paste. Chunky glitters will clog your cone tip. Use cosmetic quality glitter, not craft glitter.
Make Glitter Paste

Add 1 part glitter to 8 parts hair gel. (That proportion is very approximate!  Please experiment and decide for yourself what's going to work best for YOU!)
  Glitter Paste

  Add a small amount of lumiere powder if you want the paste to be slightly opaque.  Stir these together.
Glitter mix

Put your glitter gel into a carrot bag. When its time to use the glitter paste, squeeze some from the carrot bag into a mylar cone. Apply the glitter paste with the mylar cone, just as you would apply henna.


Apply your glitter pastes bythemselves, with henna paste, or on a finished henna design.
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TapDancing Lizard

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henna books
from TapDancing Lizard®

History, Traditions, Science, Patterns and related arts!


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at 135 E. Main St.,  Kent, Ohio, USA

The Empire of Magical Thought
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Laboratory Tested Henna

Ancient Sunrise ® Henna:  laboratory tested for quality and purity

All Ancient Sunrise® henna is tested by an independent laboratory to assure that our henna has high lawsone content, no lead, no pesticides, and no contaminants or adulterants.
Henna Page
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TapDancing Lizard ® LLC group includes
The Henna Page ®
Henna for Hair
Empire LLC
Bittersweet's LLC
Ancient Sunrise ®
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Becoming Moonlight®, Mehandi.com, and
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Click HERE or on the image above to go shopping for henna and body art supplies.

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henna for hair

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on henna for hair.

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books and videos about
henna for hair

Body art supplies

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Visit the Henna Page
brick and mortar store
at 135 E. Main St.,  Kent, Ohio, USA

The Empire of Magical Thought

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® page
Becoming Moonlight® group
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Henna Page

The Henna Page® is an educationalresource devoted to the history,traditions, techniques, science and art of henna.
The articles are written by Catherine unless otherwise noted.

TapDancing Lizard

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from TapDancing Lizard®

Books on the history, traditions, science, and art of henna and related arts!