How do you do henna?

If you reside in the USA, the FDA does not allow theuse of henna for body art purposes (i.e., coloring the skin).  If you do not reside in the USA, this notice does not apply to you; scroll down the page to find what you're looking for. 

Here are the US FDA regulations for the use of henna for the purpose of body art. These regulations have the force of law:

The color additive "henna" is approved by FDA solely for use as a "hair dye" (see, 21 CFR 73.2190);   it may not be used for dyeing the "eyelashes", "eyebrows", nor for "eye area" cosmetic product applications.  Neither is it approved for cosmetic "skin tattoo" purpose.  To use a color additive in any cosmetic product application for which it is not listed by regulation renders it "adulterated" and/or "misbranded".  (i.e. Sec. 601(a) and/or 601 (e), and/or 602 (e) of the FD&C Act).  See,
If you reside in the USA, and you feel that USFDA laws on henna apply to you,
you may wish to use materials which are approved for the use on skin.  If so, go HERE:

If you do not live in the US, and you do feel that USFDA laws do not apply to your situation,
here's the information about how to prepare and use henna for body art.

How do you mix and apply henna?

There is NO "one way" or "right way" to mix and apply henna!

There are a thousand ways, each best for a particular situation.

Every henna is different and works well with some mixes and applications and poorly with others.  Every henna artist is different, and has favorite hennas, mixes, and tools. Every person has different skin, some responding well to one henna, another responding well to some other.  What works perfectly for one person  may not work well for another.  This "how" will keep growing, and never be entirely complete because henna technique is always growing.

If you would like to participate in the ongoing discussion of henna mixes and techniques, please visit The Henna Page Forum!
First thing: Get some henna
What is good henna?
How do you find good henna?

Second: Mix the henna
How do you mix henna
How do you mix henna?

Want to know more about the chemistry of how henna really works?  Read "The Chemistry of Henna."
Third: Apply the henna
How do you apply henna?
How do you apply henna

Fourth: Seal and wrap the henna
seal and wrap
How do you seal and wrap henna?

fine, finer, finest
How do you get fine lines?

Dark, darker, darkest
How do you get darker henna stains?

Where will you get the darkest stains?

How does henna stain your skin?

Turmeric work
How do you get other colors?

Black Henna
How do you make henna black?

Complex designs
How do you do more complex designs?
Henna and Dark Skin
How do you make henna "work" on dark skin?
Gilding, Gems and Glitter 
Glitter, Gilding and Zardosi Pastes

Harquus: A SAFE temporary black tatooo
Harquus: A SAFE black temporary tattoo:
No "black henna", NO PPD!

The Ancient Art of Blue
Blue Body Art: Indigo and Woad

Ancient Celts did blue body art, and you can too!

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